The Caring House is a skilled nursing facility and provides specialized rehabilitative services. Resident care is distinguished by our unique commitment from staff to provide highly-skilled, culturally-competent, kind and compassionate, restorative nursing care while working with residents to optimize and reinforce their skill with functional activities.
The Caring House is a 100-bed facility with the following specialty care units:
Hours of Operation
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
7 days a week
Please note that hospital referrals may be received 24 hours a day, and will be processed the following day
Isabelle Ortiz (520) 562-7411
Nicole White (520) 562-7447
338 South Ocotillo Drive
Sacaton, AZ 85147
A patient referral is made by one of the following sources.
The referring source identifies need for long term care and/or skilled nursing care is identified and sends a referral to the Caring House for review and consideration.
The Caring House requests current medical documentation related to the patient’s medical needs from the referral source. (Referral order, current medical records, must be enrolled in Arizona Long Term Care Services (ALTC)and medical need in order to determine if TCH is able to provide the needed care).
When the admission criteria have been met, the Caring House Admissions Office works with the referral source, Medical Director and/or the hospital facility’s discharge planner to coordinate the transfer of the patient to the Caring House.
At this point, the Caring House Medical Director will:
a. Assume responsibility for the patient/resident
b. Communicate with the patient/resident’s primary care provider on an “as needed” basis.
Certified by The Joint Commission, recognized for
excellence in patient care