EMS Operations

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Under the direction and command of Deputy Chief Kevin Knight, Paramedic, the Operations Division is responsible for the delivery of pre-hospital care to those who live, work in, and visit the Gila River Indian Community. Service is provided to seven districts, dispersed over almost 600 square miles. Responses for service come out of stations in Districts 1, 3, 5, 6 and the Wild Horse Pass area. Personnel within those response districts are allocated using a three shift system. Each shift operates under the supervision of two Battalion Chiefs (one east and one west) who are charged with supervising/managing the day-to-day operations of up to seven 24 hour ambulances, two 12 hour inter-facility ambulances and any scheduled standbys. Ambulances are staffed by Advanced Life Support (ALS) teams consisting of an EMT and Paramedic 24 hours a day 365 days a year. 911 ambulance personnel work 24 hour shifts on a rotating schedule.

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