Gila River Health Care offers rotations in Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Nursing at two of our facilities.
Getting started
Institutions seeking to place students are required to have a contract on file prior to any placement.
Rotations are offered on a first come, first serve basis; therefore, we recommend that requests are made at least 3 months in advance. Rotations can be closed and cancelled at any time.
Students are required to arrive at the main Hu Hu Kam Memorial Hospital campus in Sacaton, Arizona, at least one week prior to the start of the rotation to complete requirements with Employee Health and finalize any documentation with the Human Resources Department.
The school or institution must provide a student profile including a recent photo, titers (and immunizations), and emergency contact information two weeks prior to the students start date. The institution’s request for preceptor evaluations must be sent a week before the end date of the rotation.
Following the rotation of a student, reimbursement at the agreed-upon amount stated in the contract is to be sent to GRHC.